QR Code Tipping Terms of Service

Last Updated: 1/22/2025

The terms of this Addendum govern Customer’s use of the QR Code Tipping Service (the “QR Service”). This Addendum is incorporated into the Service Subscription Agreement or the SaaS User Agreement, as applicable to Customer (the “Agreement”), and supplements the terms and conditions in the Agreement as they relate to Company’s provision and Customer’s use of the QR Service.

1. Service Description

The QR Service enables Customer’s patrons to leave gratuity for one or more specific Customer staff members, or for a specific group of Customer staff members jointly servicing such patron, by use of a QR code that is unique to either (i) such individual staff member (a “Staff Member Code”) or (ii) to such group of staff members jointly servicing the patron (a “Job Code”).

2. Enrollment

In order to use the QR Service, Customer will be required to complete the following Enrollment Process. In the Enrollment Process, Customer acknowledges and agrees that, as a precondition to access and use of features associated with the QR Service, it must:

a. Complete the Know Your Business (“KYB”) and Know Your Customer (“KYC”) verification process.1 KYB/KYC is the verification method used to determine if Customer is meeting federal regulation and law requirements associated with anti-money laundering compliance. A failed KYB/KYC verification will result in the inability of the Customer to use the QR Service. In connection with this requirement, Customer must:

i. Submit all Company information relevant and necessary to passing KYB verification.

ii. Submit all requested personal information related to, or in connection with, passing KYC verification, as requested by Company.

b. Provide any other information reasonably requested by Company.

1If Customer has completed the KYB/KYC verification process previously in connection with another Company service, such as the ETA Program, and such verification is active and valid, this portion of the Enrollment Process may be waived at Company’s discretion.

3. License

Upon successful completion of the Enrollment Process and purchase of the QR Service pursuant to an Order, Company grants Customer the right to access and use the QR Service in accordance with the access and use rights granted under the Agreement.

4. Handling of Payments

Company does not collect or store payment card information in connection with the QR Service. All payments are processed securely through Company’s third-party service provider Stripe, Inc. (“Stripe”) in accordance with Stripe’s terms and conditions, available at https://stripe.com/legal/ or any successor site (“Stripe T&Cs”). Customer patrons may enter their payment details on Stripe’s hosted form or use Apple Pay or Google Pay to execute the transaction.

5. Disbursement of Payments

All funds collected via the QR Service will be remitted and deposited into the external designated Customer account and disbursed to staff members in accordance with the Staff Member Code or Job Code selected by the patron. If Customer participates in the ETA Program, funds will be dispersed to staff member accounts in accordance with the ETA Program configurations. Otherwise, the funds will be dispersed to staff members through the core Service via payroll. Availability of the disbursements is subject to banking holidays and the applicable bank clearing schedules.

6. Fees

The Customer fees for use of the QR Service shall be set forth in the applicable Customer Order. Additionally, Customer’s patrons will have two additional fees applied to their gratuity: (i) a Stripe service fee in accordance with the Stripe T&C’s and (ii) a convenience fee charged by Company as agreed to in the applicable Order. Customer agrees to pay all fees for use of the QR Service in accordance with the Agreement.

7. Restrictions

The QR Service may only be used by Customer to provide patrons with the option of providing gratuity to Customer staff members in accordance with this Addendum. The QR Service may not be used for any other type of transaction, including, but not limited to, the sale or purchase of any goods or services. Any violation of this Addendum by Customer may result in immediate suspension or termination of the QR Service in Company’s sole discretion.